Home Builders of Stratford, St. Marys,
and Surrounding Areas

Home Suite Home Affordable Housing is inviting you to participate in a Philanthropy Project
and a Friendly Competition to build a “High Quality Tiny Home” for a one-of-a-kind
Pilot Community Tiny Home Village.
The Corporation of The City of Stratford along with Social Services Department, Housing Division
has announced an Affordable/Attainable/Mixed Market Development Request
for Expressions of Interest (RFEOI) for a property at 161 East Gore St.
Hi, I’m Vicky Devocht, Executive Director of Home Suite Home Affordable Housing,
a Stratford-based nonprofit dedicated to relieving poverty by providing
below-market-rate, high-quality tiny homes for those in need.
We are planning to submit a bid as Lead Proponent in a Consortium
consisting of Teahen Construction as Lead Builder, Hive Design Co., Designer,
Lindsay Rice (Project Tiny Hope) as advisor along with Jonathan Deweerd (OBOA),
Zelinka Priamo Ltd. (Land use Planner) plus more coming on board daily!
This Community Tiny Home Village will feature 15 innovative,
high performance, energy-efficient tiny homes (approx. 300–400 sq. ft.)
that are designed to address the pressing need for affordable housing
for those experiencing “Hidden Homelessness” and other people in need.
We’re calling on Home Builders to Register and be part of the solution!
Upon Bid Approval, we will begin a media blitz
to introduce to the community an “Adopt a Tiny Home Campaign”
to financially support a Builder of their choice
to build a home from a List of Builder Participants.
(List is growing)
(Builders can network to gain support for their build)
Home Suite Home Affordable Housing has a feature model design
that can be used or builders can pick from our catalogue for another preferred design.
Individual builders may design their own as long as they are in compliance
with the standards HSH has in place.
Please register your details by Friday 31st, January, 2025 and we will send you the relevant documents.